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JavaScript SharePoint People Picker

Yes.. JavaScript SharePoint People Picker… try saying that 3 times fast. Anyway, I needed one for a form I was developing. It had to be client side, and it needed to work with SharePoint. In SharePoint 2013, there’s already support for this:...

A tragic tale of mutliple lists and forms and IE9

I’ve been busy on a project for SharePoint. This particular environment is unique in that the developers do not have access to the farm, and must put any requests through a processed managed by the client to activate features, view ULS logs, etc. In addition,...

Using Rest For Everything

I’ve ceased using the “Out of the Box” forms. I don’t even use the WebParts unless I have to. To me the most useful part of SharePoint is the REST API. I organize my...

List Creation Naming Best Practice

When you create a new List or Document Library or “App” object in SharePoint, the name of Object is the new URL – in essence what we WordPress users would call the “slug” or permalink. This is a pet peeve of mine. Users consistently...

SP Services jQuery

So I was searching for a people picker (more on that later) to implement in my JavaScript form for my SharePoint project, when I stumbled across this: SPServices is absolutely wonderful. I love not having to code all...

A Mini-Guide to Charts in SharePoint

This guide is primarily directed at SharePoint, but the method that uses REST can really be used on any site, or any CMS where you have access to data via REST. There will come a day when someone will ask “Could you put that in a Graph?” or “This...